About Us
Lions Club of Baroda (Main), a service membership organization with currently 73 members was founded in Baroda (Vadodara) on 23rd January 1957, a wing of Lions Club International. It is 3rd oldest club in India and oldest od district 3232 F1.
We Serve
The Lions motto is "We Serve." Local Lions Club programs include sight conservation, hearing and speech conservation, diabetes awareness, youth outreach, international relations, environmental issues, and many other programs. The discussion of politics and religion is forbidden. The LIONS acronym also stands for Liberty, Intelligence, Our Nations' Safety.
VDG-2 Desk

MJF Lion Manoj Parmar
Vice District Governor -2 ( Elect ) , District 3232F1 (M) +91 9925252441
Home Club: Lions Club of Anand AMUL
Birth Date: 17th May Education: M.A., M.Ed.
Profession: Teaching in Education field
Spouse: Nita Child : Shlok
Serving the Nation
Amid the Ongoing Pandemic , as the country and world begin to unlock slowly , we are here to support with uninterrupted supply of bitumen to cater ypur requirements.
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